Apple thinktank ii plus Benutzerhandbuch

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There are six commands on the reference card indented one 
They correspond to six of the options on ThinkTank’s NEW Com—
mand menu and they allow you to specify what kind of new 
material to add and where. Press N (the command key for NEW) 
to display this menu, which is shown in Figure 3—5.
There is a seventh option on the NEW Command Menu ——
ESCAPE —— that’s not listed under NEW on your reference card. 
That’s because ThinkTank’s escape valve, which stops whatever 
you’re doing, is always an option. It’s listed separately on 
the reference card under “Notes.”
You can reach these NEW options only by selecting the NEW 
command first. In ThinkTank terminology, these options are 
beneath or under NEW; they are one level deeper or subordinate 
to NEW in ThinkTank’s command structure. On the reference 
card, and in ThinkTank in general, this relationship is ex-
pressed by levels of indentation from left to right.
The reference card is a map of ThinkTank 
in which one level of indentation corresponds to 
one level deeper in the command structure.
Now press to select the NODE option from the NEW Com-
mand Menu. MODE disappears from the menu but a new option, 
EDIT, replaces it as shown in Figure 4—1. The explanation 
line reads TEXT EDITOR FOR HEADLINES. On the reference card, 
EDIT is indented one level under NODE (which is indented one 
level under NEW). In other words, to reach the “headline 
editor” from the NEW Command Menu, you must go through NODE 
Notice that EDIT appears twice under “Adding Information” 
on the reference card, once under MODE and once under 
PARAGRAPH. As you can see from the two entries, each EDIT has 
a different meaning; EDIT under PARAGRAPH gets you to the TEXT 
EDITOR FOR PARAGRAPHS. Some other commands (such as DELETE 
and COPY) also have more than one meaning in ThinkTank, depend-
ing on the context in which they appear. In all cases, the ap-
propriate meaning will be clear from the screen, the reference 
card, and the reference guide.