Nokia 3105 Servicehandbuch

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CCS Technical Documentation
Troubleshooting - RF
Issue 1 11/2003
© 2003 Nokia Corporation         Confidential
Page 41
Tuning Descriptions
Tuning Title
Tx Detector
This is one of the phone's self-tests 
which gives either a pass or fail result 
only. The phone transmits at several 
power levels and checks the ADC value 
of the power detector. The ADC value is 
measured first for a set of AGC values, 
then each AGC value is changed one at 
a time to make sure that the ADC 
changes as each AGC is changed indi-
Check the AGC voltages and components of 
the associated PDMs. For problems with the 
IF or RF AGC, also check Jedi and supporting 
components. For PA AGC problems, also 
check the PA and supporting components. If 
all of the above cases fail, troubleshoot the 
Tx chain. If all the output powers are pass-
ing, then perhaps the test is failing because 
the ADC voltage is wrong (which at this 
point we cannot read, so we are measuring 
the actual output power). If the voltages are 
wrong, then check the power detector at 
N805, C803, C807, and also Jedi. If the volt-
ages are correct and it still fails, check the 
UEM ( D200).
Cell PA Temp
This is one of the phone's self tunings, 
which reads the ADC voltage of a ther-
mistor R821, and checks to make sure 
the phone is at room temperature. The 
reason for this is that a phone should 
not be tuned while it is hot or cold.
If the phone was recently transmitting in 
Cell band at full power for an extended 
period of time, it is probably hot for that 
reason. Let it cool down for a few minutes, 
then try again. If it still fails, there may 
either be a short on the board or else a 
problem with the PA Temp circuitry.  To 
check PA Temp circuitry, check R821 and 
D200. If a short is suspected, check the cell 
PA first. If an infrared camera is available, 
this is one of the easiest methods to detect 
a short.
Cell Rx DC Offset I 
(or Q)
This is one of the phone's self tunings, 
which measures and adjusts the cell 
band CDMA receiver DC offsets until 
they are within the limits.
Check Yoda (N701) and supporting compo-
Tx Start-up Current
This test turns on the transmitter and 
measures current of the whole phone, 
which can detect some assembly errors.
If current is very high, there may be a short 
circuit on the phone caused by a solder 
bridge, a failed component that is internally 
shorted, a component placed with the 
wrong rotation which shorts two nodes that 
should not be, or some other reason. A vis-
ual inspection can find solder bridges or 
wrong component rotations. A failed com-
ponent can be found by functional tests of 
the phone's sub-blocks.
Tx Start-up Amplitude
This test turns on the transmitter and 
checks for the presence of a Tx signal 
with an amplitude within a specified 
range. A wide range is allowed since the 
transmitter is not yet tuned.
Check proper placement, rotation, and sol-
dering of the components in the Tx chain. 
Check for the presence of LO tones. Check 
for the presence of a Tx signal at each point 
in the Tx chain.