Mitsubishi m330 Benutzerhandbuch

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• If incorrectly installed in a vehicle the
operation of mobile telephones can
interfere with the correct operation of
the vehicle electronics, such as ABS
anti-lock brakes or air bags. To avoid
such problems ensure that only quali-
fied personnel carry out the installation.
Verification of the protection and oper-
ation of the vehicle electronics should
form part of the installation. If in doubt
consult the manufacturer.
• Do not place the phone on the passen-
ger seat or where it could break loose
during sudden breaking or a collision.
Always use the holder.
• The use of an alert device to operate a
vehicle's lights or horn on public roads
is not permitted.
Emergency calls
You can make emergency calls by dialling
the European standard emergency
number 112 even if there is no SIM card in
your phone. Emergency calls can even be
made if the phone is PIN or electronically
locked or call barred. In some countries lo-
cal emergency numbers can still be used
for emergency purposes but the phone
may have to contain a valid SIM card.
When making an emergency call remem-
ber to give all the necessary information as
accurately as possible. The phone may be
the only means of communication at the
scene of an emergency therefore do not
cut off the call until told to do so.
Care and maintenance
This mobile telephone is the product of
advanced engineering, design and crafts-
manship and should be treated with care.
The suggestions below can help you to en-
joy this product for many years.
• Do not expose the phone to any
extreme environment where the tem-
perature or humidity is high.
• Do not expose or store your mobile in
cold temperatures. When the  phone
warms up  after being switched on, to
its normal temperature, moisture can
form inside which can damage the elec-
trical parts.
• Do not attempt to disassemble the
phone. There are no user serviceable
parts inside.
• Do not expose the phone to water, rain
or spilt beverages. It is not waterproof.
• Do not abuse this phone by dropping,
knocking or violent shaking. Rough
handling can damage it.
• Do not clean the phone with strong
chemicals or solvents. Wipe it only with
a soft, slightly dampened cloth.
• Do not place the telephone alongside
computer discs, credit or travel cards or
other magnetic media. The information
contained on discs or cards may be
affected by the phone.
• Do not connect incompatible products.
The use of third party equipment or
accessories, not made or authorised by
Mitsubishi Electric, invalidates the war-
ranty of your phone and can be a safety
• Do not remove the labels. The numbers
on it are important for aftersale service
and other related purposes.
• Do contact an authorised service centre
in the unlikely event of a fault.
AC/DC adaptor charger
This mobile phone was designed to be
used only with the supplied AC/DC charg-
er. Use of any other charger or adaptor in-
validates any approval given to this
apparatus and may be dangerous.
Battery use
You can charge a battery hundreds of
times but gradually it wears out. When the
operating time (stand-by and talk time) is
noticeably shorter than normal it is time to
buy a new battery.
• Do not leave batteries connected to a
charger longer than necessary. Over-
charging shortens battery life.
• Disconnect battery chargers from the
power source when not in use.
Mobile phones rely on wireless and landline net-
works which cannot be guaranteed in all conditions.
Therefore you should never rely solely on wireless
phones for essential emergency communications.