games-pc shogun-total war Benutzerhandbuch

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Creating Line Formations
Line formations are most important for your
Missile-firing units (archers, arquebusiers and
musketeers) since only the front ranks can fire.
Stretching them out so they are two ranks deep
ensures that all arms can be brought accurately
to bear upon your enemy.
1. Select a unit (or group of units). Now, clickhold and drag out the
mouse. A ghost of the selected units appears.
2. Move the mouse so you are happy with the unit formation and release the
Left Mouse button. 
3. The units move into their new position.
Quick Guide to Unit Formations
CLOSE FORMATION – Shortcut: C. Best for defence or general combat.
Also best for morale to stop your men routing.
LOOSE FORMATION – Shortcut: L. Best if under attack from range
projectile weapons.
WEDGE FORMATION – Shortcut: W. Best for breaking through enemy
lines. Increases the damage your men inflict, but at the cost of their
LINES –Select, hold and drag. Best used with missile-firing units
(archers and arquebusiers) since only the front ranks can fire.
Hints on using formations
If your men are attacked from the rear or from the flanks they fight
much less effectively. 
If formations break up or your men are not in ordered ranks then their
morale will be put to the test. In such situations they may well rout.
To be a master of warfare you must first become conversant with the
techniques by which your army can overrun an opponent in the heat of battle.
Whilst much may be down to the unit type and experience of individual
soldiers, a wise Daimyo, familiar with the battle strategies of Sun Tzu, can
triumph against seemingly overwhelming odds.
Different unit formations have strengths and weaknesses, which a wise man
will soon become patently aware of. Move answered by counter move is sure to
occur when two mighty generals clash, so make sure you know your battlefield
tactics when you take on the enemy!
Changing Preset Formations
In the heat of battle, a good general must be able to direct his troops quickly
and surely. The ability to command multiple units and ensure they are in the
formation best suited to that particular situation is a skill that must be learned
through study and hard lessons at the hand of more experienced generals or
1. Select the units whose formation you want to change.
2. Click relevant icon on the Icon Menu Bar. 
Right-click, then highlight FORMATION in the drop-down menu and highlight
and click the Formation type you wish your selected units to adopt.
Press the relevant keyboard shortcut (detailed below).
3. The unit(s) move into position.
Note: Clearly, it takes a certain amount of time to move into position. Ensure
you allow enough time for your units to re-form or you may be trounced by the
opposing army.