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Volume 2—8254 Programmable Interval Timer (PIT)—C2000 Product Family
Reading from the Interval Timer
 Atom™ Processor C2000 Product Family for Microserver
Datasheet, Vol. 2 of 3
September 2014
Order Number: 330061-002US
Reading from the Interval Timer
It is often desirable to read the value of a counter without disturbing the count in 
progress. The three methods for reading the counters are as follows: a simple read 
operation, the Counter Latch command, and the Read-back command. They are 
explained below.
With the simple read and Counter Latch command methods, the count must be read 
according to the programmed format; specifically, if the counter is programmed for 
2-byte counts, 2 bytes must be read. The 2 bytes do not have to be read one right after 
the other. Read, write, or programming operations for other counters are inserted 
between them.
Simple Read
The first method is to perform a simple read operation. The counter is selected through 
port 40h (Counter 0), 41h (Counter 1), or 42h (Counter 2).
Counter Latch Command
The Counter Latch command, written to port 43h, latches the count of a specific 
counter at the time the command is received. This command ensures that the count 
read from the counter is accurate, particularly when reading a 2-byte count. The count 
value is then read from each counter Count register that was programmed by the 
Control register.
The count is held in the latch until it is read or the counter is reprogrammed. The count 
is then unlatched and allows reading the contents of the counters quickly without 
affecting the counting in progress. Multiple counter latch commands are used to latch 
more than one counter. Counter latch commands do not affect the programmed mode 
of the counter in any way.
When a counter is latched and later latched again before the count is read, the second 
Counter Latch command is ignored. The first Counter Latch command issued is the first 
count read.