Hitachi Microscope & Magnifier S-3400N Benutzerhandbuch

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3 - 83    Rotation/Tilt Eucentric Function and Calibration 
The rotation eucentric function serves to keep the present field of view after specimen rotation.   
It calculates XY position that will recover the present viewing position after rotation axis is driven 
using the present XY position and the angle to be rotated.    XY axes are moved to the calculated 
point together with rotation axis. 
In addition, the tilt eucentric function moves the XY axes together with tilt axis so that the 
previous viewing point will be kept after the tilting operation.   
To improve accuracy of the functions, calibration of the error factors is necessary. 
(1)  Specifying eucentric or non-eucentric rotation or tilt 
Check the Eucentric check box in the XYR block to enable the eucentric rotation.   
It is effective when rotating R axis by specifying the angle value.    It is not effective when 
rotating R axis using continuous rotation. 
Check the Eucentric Tilt check box in the Z/Tilt block to enable the eucentric tilt.   
It is effective when tilting specimen by specifying the angle value.    It is not effective when 
using continuous tilting. 
(2) Calibration 
The following calibration commands are provided: 
(a)  Measure and correct the deviation between rotation center axis and beam irradiation 
(b)  Measure and correct the deviation between tilt center axis and beam irradiation position. 
(c)  Measure and correct the deviation between rotation center axis and beam irradiation 
position caused by changing Z-axis position. 
(d)  Measure the specimen height error and compensate the rotation center and the tilt 
center axes. 
The beam irradiation position may shift when adjusting the electron beam axis, this 
measurement tool is provided to enable measurement and correction at any time.    For 
execution methods, see (4) Calibration is necessary when accuracy is degraded. 
On the other hand, the specimen height error (the above (d)) will change whenever 
specimens are exchanged.    It should be compensated at each specimen exchange to get 
the best accuracy.    For execution methods, see (3) Stage tilt calibration - 
Calibration necessary for each specimen exchange. 
It is not necessary when you use the eucentric rotation function with no tilting condition.