Hitachi Microscope & Magnifier S-3400N Benutzerhandbuch

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1.1  Specifications 
1.1.1  Resolution 
Secondary electron image resolution: 
  3.0 nm (30 kV acceleration voltage, in high vacuum 
  10 nm (3 kV acceleration voltage, in high vacuum 
Backscattered electron image resolution:  4.0 nm (30 kV acceleration voltage, in low vacuum 
1.1.2  Magnification 
5x to 300,000x 
(Highest and lowest magnifications are dependent upon accelerating voltage, WD and scan 
1.1.3  Electron Optical System 
Electron source: 
Pre-centered cartridge type tungsten 
Acceleration voltage: 
0.3 kV to 30 kV 
Gun bias: 
Quad-/self-bias switching and continuously variable fixed bias 
Beam alignment: 
Electromagnetic two-stage deflection (doubles as blanking when the 
image is frozen) 
Lens system: 
Three-stage electromagnetic lens reduction optical system 
Stigma correcting unit: 
Electromagnetic 8-pole XY method 
Scanning coil: 
Two-stage electromagnetic deflection method 
Movable objective aperture: Four-hole movable aperture (30, 50, 80, and 150 µm) 
Image shift: 
± 50 µm or greater (WD = 10 mm) 
X-ray analysis position: 
WD =10 mm, X-ray take-out angle (TOA) = 35° 
Detector and image types:  Secondary electron detector; secondary electron image (high 
vacuum mode) 
Quad-type semiconductor backscattered electron detector; 
backscattered electron image (High/low vacuum mode)