Avaya Bogen APS Custom Anleitung Für Quick Setup

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Pe r s on a l  C o m pu te r   I n t e r f ac e   ( P CI )
The PCI enables you to create and configure a database that controls the behavior of the
unit.  Using a personal computer, you configure PBX-specific paging, announcement and
contact closure information, store detailed system information and provide remote access
to the unit.  The personal computer is not necessary for daily unit operation.  For more
detailed information on the PCI, refer to Chapter 3, Programming the APS Custom.
S y st e m  R e q u i r e m e n t s
To use the APS Custom and its associated software, the PBX must support IST
connections with Overhead Paging, Call Park, Call Transfer and Call Pickup features.
For more detailed information on these features, refer to Section 2.1, Understanding
System Requirements
.  In addition, the computer system must meet the minimum system 
requirements outlined below for programming.
H a rd w a r e
The minimum hard w a re re q u i rements that your Personal Computer (PC) system needs to
run the PCI include:
486 DX4 processor or higher (Pentium highly recommended)
16 MB RAM 
Hard Drive with at least 100 MB of free space
CD-ROM drive
3 1/2” disk drive
Available serial port or installed modem
S o f t w a r e
The minimum operating system and software re q u i rements that your PC system needs to
run the PCI include:
Windows® 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0
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