Shindaiwa 82085 User Manual

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In all circumstances the operation of the chain saw is a one-man 
job. It is difficult at times to take care for your own safety, so don’t 
assume the responsibility for a helper as well. After you have 
learned the basic techniques of using the saw, your best aid will 
be your own good common sense.
The accepted way to hold the saw is to stand to the left of the 
saw with your left hand on the front handlebar and your right 
hand on the rear handle so you can operate the throttle trigger 
with your right index finger.
Before attempting to fell a tree, cut some small logs or limbs. 
Become thoroughly familiar with the controls and the responses 
of the saw.
Start the engine, see that it is running properly. Squeeze the trig-
ger to open the throttle wide open and start the cut. If the chain is 
properly sharpened, the cutting should be relatively effortless. It 
is not necessary to press down hard to make the saw cut. Push-
ing the saw too hard will slow the engine and cutting will actually 
be more difficult.
Do not let the tip of the bar touch anything while the engine is run-
ning. At cutting speed the chain is moving at a high rate of speed. 
Should the tip contact a limb or log while the chain is moving, the 
tip will be pushed upward with considerable force. This is known 
as kickback. Avoid it!
Some material may adversely affect the housings of your Shindaiwa 
chain saw.
(Example: Palm Tree Acid, fertilizer, etc.) To avoid housing dete-
rioration, carefully remove all packed saw dust around clutch and 
guide bar area and wash with water. Coat metal parts with light oil.