Tektronix AWG610 User Manual

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AWG610 Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
UTIL window overview:   3–149
instrument status:   3–152
Variables (pre–defined)
clock:   3–195
fname.clock:   3–195
pi:   3–195
point( ):   3–195
size:   3–195
time( ):   3–195
Variables (pre-defined), fname.size:   3–195
Vertical Invert command:   3–55
Vertical menu button:   3–30, 3–32
Vertical Scale command:   3–54
Vertical Shift command:   3–54
View field:   3–75
View menu button:   3–32
viewing a waveform:   2–36
voltage settings:   1–9
Wait Trigger field:   3–112, 3–116
waveform editor screen:   3–45
waveform editor screen elements:   3–46
Waveform Functions menu button:   3–105
waveform loading restrictions:   3–31
Waveform memory restriction:   2–27
waveform memory, edit buffer:   2–35
waveform output:   2–38
Waveform programming language:   3–175
waveform sequences, tutorial:   2–69
Waveform to Pattern, File Conversion:   3–211
Waveform to text file, File Conversion:   3–211
Waveform to text file with marker, File Conversion:
waveform, viewing:   2–36
Waveform/Sequence menu button:   3–30
Waveforms, samples in floppy disk:   D–1
Window menu button:   3–74, 3–83
Window Operation, double windows:   3–217
window operation:   2–21
write( ):   3–196
XY View math function:   3–65, 3–71
Zoom/Pan menu button:   3–73, 3–83