Sun Microsystems SL500 User Manual

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Partition Planning
96116 • Revision: KA
Chapter 6 Library Partitioning 145
Installing the Partitioning Feature
The following special considerations apply after you successfully install the 
Partitioning feature on a previously non-partitioned library. 
You must reboot the library after installing the Partitioning license. 
Until you create at least one partition, the library remains in a non-partitioned state; 
that is all licensed storage cells, drives, and CAPs are accessible to all hosts. 
Allocated Storage Capacity
In partitioned libraries, the total number of storage cells allocated to all library 
partitions cannot exceed the licensed capacity of the library. 
In partitioned libraries, there is no default active storage region. You must explicitly 
assign storage cells to partitions, thereby configuring the active storage regions for each 
partition. See 
 for details. 
Partition Configurations
You must use the standalone SL Console or Web-launched SL Console to configure 
library partitions; the partitioning screens are not available on the local operator panel. 
To configure a partition, you must define the following information: 
For detailed instructions on defining library partitions, se
Partition Summary Information
Partition summary information includes the partition ID and name, and the barcode 
format to be used on cartridge labels. Partition IDs must be unique and can range from 
Host-Partition Connections
Host-partition connections identify the hosts that are able to access a partition. Each 
partition appears to the host as a separate library module. A host can control one or 
more partitions. In addition, it is possible for more than one host to control a single 
SCSI partition, but it is recommended that you exercise caution in implementing this 
configuration, as some host applications may not allow for resource sharing. 
A partition can have one or more host-partition connections. The host-partition 
connection configuration is user-defined and consists of the following information: 
World Wide Port Name of the host bus adapter 
Port number of the library Fibre Channel card