Sun Microsystems SL500 User Manual

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96116 • Revision: KA
SL500 Automated Library Operations
Automated Mode of Operation
When in automated mode of operation, the library automatically mounts and 
dismounts cartridges without physical intervention by a person.
Automated operations include the following activities:
Mounting and dismounting cartridges
Entering and ejecting cartridges through the CAP
Logging library events
Drive cleaning 
Cartridge Mount and Dismount Activities
The primary function of the library is the automated mounting and dismounting of 
cartridges. Host mount and dismount commands are accepted by the library controller 
and translated into robotic commands that are performed by the HandBot. 
Mount Sequence
A simplified mount sequence involves the following steps:
1. A host requests that a specific volume serial number (VOLID) be mounted in a drive.
2.  The library controller transmits to the host that the VOLID is located within the 
library and a drive is available to satisfy the mount request.
3.  The library assumes responsibility for the mount.
4.  The host command is translated by the library controller into motion commands for 
the HandBot.
5.  The cartridge is taken from its storage cell and placed in the drive.
6.  The library returns status to the host that the mount operation is completed.
7.  The drive performs the read/write activity directed by the host.