Eagle sport User Guide

Page of 89
Over Ground (COG). The available displays that can be
placed in these windows are: Distance To Go (DTG),
Speed Over Ground (SOG), Bearing to waypoint (BRG),
Course Over Ground (COG), Cross track error (XTE),
and Altitude (ALT).
To change any or all
of the digital displays,
first press the MENU
key while the plotter
is showing. Now
press the right arrow
key. Next, press the
F2 key. The unit re-
turns to the plotter
screen with a black
box surrounding the
DTG box as shown
at left. This means the DTG box is ready to be changed.
Press the left or right arrow key to change the display.
For example, to change the Distance To Go to Cross
Track Error (XTE), press the right arrow key four times.
To change another digital box, press the up or down
arrow key until the
black box surrounds
the desired display.
Now press the up or
down arrow key until
the desired display
When you have the
digital displays cus-
tomized, press the
CLR (clear) key. This