Cisco Cisco Application Extension Platform for SRE

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Cisco Application eXtension Platform 1.1 Developer Guide
  CLI Plug-in Applications
  CLI Plug-in Applications
Step 1
app-service ?
If your application is installed, the application appears in a list of other processes.
Step 2
app-service <application name>
If your application is running, you enter the CLI of the guest OS shell.
Step 3
show processes
Your application appears in a list. For example, “helloworld”.
Step 4
(Optional) show state
Your application appears in a list that shows the state of the application. For example a state of “online”. 
The STATE display depends on having the health status returned by your application.
helloworld online
CLI Plug-in Applications
Cisco AXP CLI plug-ins allow you to create application-specific commands to be used in addition to 
commands that are already available via the Cisco AXP CLI. 
CLI plug-in application development:
CLI plug-in application tasks:
CLI plug-in reference information:
Examples of simple CLI plug-in applications:
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