Cisco Cisco Process Orchestrator 2.X Release Notes

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Cisco TEO Release Notes for Release 2.3
  Features and Enhancements
TEO 2.3 Adapter Feature Changes
The following tables describes significant new and changed information for the adapters of Tidal 
Enterprise Orchestrator that were improved in releases 2.3, 2.3.2, 2.3.4, and 2.3.5. The highlighted 
features have been implemented to improve the product functionality for TEO adapters.
Cisco TEO Adapter Help for Cisco Network Services Manager 
The new Cisco TEO Network Services Manager adapter in release 2.3.4 manages network services 
which allows users to create, revise, review, update physical and virtual networks in a cloud computing 
infrastructure. Cloud computing provides IT services in a self-service and highly automated manner.
To view the documentation for the Cisco Network Services Manager adapter, refer to the online help. An 
adapter guide is not produced in release 2.3.4.
Cisco TEO Adapter Help for Cisco Service Portal 
The new Cisco TEO Service Portal adapter provided in release 2.3.4 establishes a relationship between 
Tidal Enterprise Orchestrator and the Cisco Service Portal. In TEO, users can now manage services 
items and service requests in Cisco Service Portal. Users can create, delete, and update service items 
using attributes of the service item. Additionally users can submit and update service requests by 
manually creating dictionaries or browsing for dictionaries in a Cisco Service Portal Server target. 
To view the documentation for the Cisco Service Portal adapter, refer to the online help. An adapter 
guide is not produced in release 2.3.4.
The following activities have been added to the Core 
Functions Adapter
Calculate Time Difference—Calculates the time 
difference between two different dates
Convert JSON to XML—Converts JavaScript Object 
Notation text to XML
Convert XML to JSON—Converts XML to JavaScript 
Object Notation text
Find Targets—Queries all defined targets
Raise Process Event—Raises an internal event to the 
TEO server based on specific data
Set Multiple Variables—Updates multiple variables in 
a single activity
Set Target Reference—Modifies the target ID assigned 
to a target reference
XPath Query—Queries information based on XML 
path expressions
Wait for Task to Enter State—Waits for a task to match 
a specific state before the activity continues
Appendix A, Core Activities
Appendix B, Task Activities
New Glossary of terms added to end of reference guide
Glossary appendix
Table 1
TEO 2.3 Release Feature Changes