ascom tems product services Brochure

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Network operators know that customer experience is the most impor-
tant  differentiator  between  the  success  and  failure  of  their  businesses. 
Customers expect the same level of quality for wireless/mobile networks 
that they are used to from their PSTN. Meeting this universal expectation 
is critical to the continued growth of any operator’s business.
One of the most effective ways to ensure that customers’ expectations 
are being met is continual end-to-end service quality auditing. The audits 
measure KPIs, which can then be used to benchmark the network’s Quality 
of Service (QoS), which in turn yield insight into the end-user’s perception of 
the network. These findings are also helpful for detecting faults, capacity 
bottlenecks, and configuration problems.
TEMS Product Services make it simple for customers to obtain access to 
TEMS solutions and expertise – especially in combination with our hosting 
and measurement services – for efficient data collection. 
These services ensure that measurements are gathered by the latest and 
the most advanced tools on the market, producing reliable and consistent data. 
It also makes certain that the latest methodologies are always applied.
Product Lease Services are cost-efficient in not requiring any initial 
investments at all. Along with the option of leasing TEMS products, you can 
“pay as you use” by having access to a TEMS NOC facility.
No matter which offering or combination of 
components the operator chooses, TEMS 
Product Services can be of advantage, for 
three reasons: better performance, simpler 
monitoring implementation, and lower 
operations costs.