games-pc delta force 2 User Manual

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In October of 1977,
the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-
DELTA was secretly formed to deal with the growing threat of world terrorism. At Fort Bragg, elite Delta
Force operatives, recruited mainly from the 82nd Airborne, Special Forces Green Berets and U.S. Army
Rangers, rigorously train in hostage rescues, specialized reconnaissance and other counter terrorism
techniques. Highly skilled in CQB (Close Quarters Battle), armed with the best equipment, and able to
infiltrate as civilians, Delta Force is ready to deal with the most dangerous world threats.
Due to the extremely sensitive nature of these low-visibility missions, the U.S. Department of Defense
still does not officially acknowledge the existence of Delta Force.
I am an American Special Forces soldier! A professional!
I will do all that my nation requires of me. I am a volunteer, knowing well the hazards of my profession.
I serve with the memory of those who have gone before me:  Rogers' Rangers, Francis Marion, Mosby's Rangers,
the 1st Special Service Force, the Jedburghs, Detachment 101, and the Special Forces soldiers of the Vietnam
War, who won 17 Medals of Honor and 90 Distinguished Service Crosses. I pledge to uphold the honor and
integrity of all these, in all that I am, in all I do.
I am a professional soldier. I will teach and fight wherever my nation requires, to liberate the oppressed. I
will strive always to excel in every art and artifice of war.
I know that I will be called upon to perform tasks in isolation, far from familiar faces and voices. With the
help and guidance of my God, I will conquer my fears and succeed.
I will keep my mind and body clean, alert and strong, for this is my debt to those who depend upon me.
I will not fail those with whom I serve. I will not bring shame upon myself or the Forces.  
I will maintain myself, my arms and my equipment in an immaculate state as befits a Special Forces soldier.
My goal is to succeed in any mission – and live to succeed again.
I am a member of my nation's chosen soldiery. God grant that I may not be found wanting, that I will not fail
this sacred trust.
The Special Forces Creed