games-pc messiah User Manual

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If you happen upon a creature of organic make up, you can possess their bodies by carefully
catching them defenseless from behind.  This is important.  City Faktur’s Dwellers can usually
only be possessed from behind and not from the front or sides.  Once a creature sees you either
in front of them or out of their peripheral vision they will become tense and defensive thus
resistant to your possession attempt.
Here’s a step by step example of how to possess your prey.  
- Try to stay out of sight until you have a good opportunity
to possess a creature from behind.
- Once your opportunity presents itself, make haste to
overtake the subject from behind.
- While running up behind your prey, flap your wings once
or twice and sping toward the target’s shoulder blades.
- If all goes as planned, you will dive into the creature’s
back and thus into their spirit and consciousness.  When you
have possessed a character, you will see a halo over the
creature’s head indicating to you which creature you are in
control of.  Other creatures in the world will not see the halo,
it is merely there for your benefit to help you easily pick
which creature you are controlling even if you’re in a crowd.
You now have complete control of this entity and will possess
all of their individual strengths, weaknesses, and special abilities until they are killed or you
choose to depossess.
While stealth is your best strategy in possession situations, you may at times be spotted
before you have a chance to find a new host.  If this happens, you must either find a good place
to hide until the situation cools off or make a break for it and try to get behind a creature for
another possession attempt.
You can depossess a creature at any time by simply pressing the “Depossess Key.”  Once you
depossess a creature they will be stunned for a moment or two while they try to get their
bearings again.  During those few moments that the creature is disconcerted, you must either
find a place to hide or find a new host.  Once those few moments have passed and the subject
regains its senses, the creature will begin to return to their  normal behavior and can again
pose a threat if you are spotted.
Interplay Productions