SOEKS IMPULSE Magnetic field-analysis apparatus, Magnetic field tester 9 Data Sheet

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                                                                                                                      Table 1
 Measurable electromagnetic field frequency    from 20 to 2 000 
 range, Hz
 Measurement range of magnetic field              from 0,04 to 12* 
 (magnetic induction) intensity amplitude          (from 0,05 to 15*)
 along X, Y, Z axes, A/m (uT)
 Measurement range of magnetic field              from 0,08 to 20*
 (magnetic induction) intensity mean square              (from 0,10 to 25*)
 value, A/m (uT)  
 Maximum permissible relative error of            ±30
 measurement of magnetic field intensity, %
 Hardware nonlinearity of measurement of       7,0
 magnetic field intensity in the measurement
 range for test magnetic field of 50 Hz in 
 frequency, not more than, %
 Measurement range of electric field                 from 10 to 1000*
 intensity amplitude along X, Y, Z axes, V/m
 Measurement range of electric field                 from 17 tо 1700*
 intensity mean square value, V/m 
 Maximum permissible relative error of            ±30
 measurement of electric field intensity, %
 Hardware nonlinearity of measurement of       4,0
 electric field intensity in the measurement
 range for test magnetic field of 50 Hz in 
 frequency, not more than, %
* -  not less than specified parameter value
17. Magnetic field measurement units: uT (microtesla).
18. Magnetic field intensity threshold for audible, color and text warning 
triggering (it is set according to the active norms)
119. Graphic columns for display of instant magnetic field values along X, Y 
and Z axes.
20. Information message about magnetic field level, according to the active 
- In case when the measurement result does not exceed the set threshold, a 
"Magnetic field is good" message appears on the green background.
- In case when the measurement result exceeds the set threshold, an "HIGH 
LEVEL OF MAGNETIC FIELD" message appears on the red background.
● In the "View" mode  
21. Electric field intensity value along X axis. Measurement unit: V/m (volts 
per meter)
22. Graphic scale for output of electric field intensity value along X axis.
23. Electric field intensity value along Y axis. Measurement unit: V/m (volts 
per meter)
24. Graphic scale for output of electric field intensity value along Y axis.
25.  Magnetic  field  intensity  value  along  X  axis.  Measurement  unit:  uT 
26. Graphic scale for output of magnetic field intensity value along X axis.
27.  Magnetic  field  intensity  value  along  Y  axis.  Measurement  unit:  uT 
28. Graphic scale for output of magnetic field intensity value along Y axis.
29. Magnetic field intensity value along Z axis. Measurement unit: uT 
30. Graphic scale for output of magnetic field intensity value along Z axis.