Emerson Liebert MC Microchannel Outdoor Condenser 28 - 220kW Data Sheet

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Every operation of your company depends upon the instant  
around-the-clock availability of computers, servers and other electronic 
systems. If they aren’t working, neither is your company. Unfortunately,  
every piece of IT equipment your company possesses produces heat. 
And if you don’t get rid of the heat, you are going to have problems.  
The first step in taking control of this situation is to understand the threats to your 
system reliability — and exactly what you can do about them.
You Face Many Challenges In The Pursuit Of Business Continuity  
But There Are Real Solutions
Mission-Critical Cooling Provides 
Protection Under All Conditions
Yes, computers have changed — but 
the threats to their operation are 
as real as ever. An air conditioning 
system that maintains the 
temperature and humidity at the 
proper levels in your critical facility is 
an absolute necessity for the viability 
of your business.
Mission-Critical Systems Keep 
Moisture And Air Cleanliness  
Right Where They Need To Be
Ordinary building air conditioning 
and heating systems are designed 
to keep people comfortable. 
Computers and other sensitive 
electronics require a system that 
provides humidity control to meet 
equipment specifications — and air 
filtration designed to keep airborne 
particles from causing problems.
Because Every Facility Is Unique, Mission-CriticaSystems Are 
Designed To Meet The Cooling Needs Of Any Critical Space 
A mission-critical cooling system can be engineered to match just about 
any type or size of facility. There are downflow systems for raised floor 
facilities and upflow units where the floors are not raised. Supplemental 
systems can be used where equipment is tightly packed in racks. 
Compact models are ideal for small or remote facilities.
Mission-Critical Cooling Systems Are Engineered To Get The Most 
From Every Energy Dollar 
Energy efficiency is no longer just an option for users of air conditioning
As The Temperature Rises — So Does Your Risk