Avid Technology Car Video System PT User Manual

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Chapter 3: Basic Media Station|PT Workflows
The following illustration shows the audio 
tracks cut into the original sequence. In this ex-
ample, the original tracks are overwritten. 
Now you can use Media Station|PT to make 
any adjustments to the sequence and do the fol-
• Create a digital cut.
• Perform a Send to Playout operation.
• Check in the sequence to Interplay for 
Pro Tools if the Pro Tools editor needs to 
work on the sequence again.
Frame-Rate Accurate Video Editing and 
Sample-Rate Accurate Audio Editing
After a sequence has been exported back to In-
terplay from Pro Tools, a number of additional 
media files appear in the Interplay Window and 
in the bin. Some have names containing the 
prefix Sample accurate edit. These are the addi-
tional media files that Pro Tools creates to make 
sure that Media Station|PT receives frame-accu-
rate audio. Sample-accurate edit media files are 
visible if you zoom in on portions of the im-
ported audio in the Timeline.
The following illustration shows Sample accu-
rate edit files in the Interplay Window.
Avid video editing applications edit with frame 
accuracy. This means that when using 
Media Station|PT to work on a 30-fps project, 
you can edit at 30 different locations for every 
one second of video. Pro Tools edits with sample 
rate accuracy. In a 48 kHz session, there are po-
tentially 48,000 locations to edit for every sec-
ond of audio. 
When Pro Tools exports a sequence, it must en-
sure that the audio media files line up on frame 
boundaries. To do this, it might have to split an 
existing audio clip into three clips. For example, 
the following illustration shows a 5-frame video 
clip and a corresponding audio clip. In 
Pro Tools, the audio clips might not line up on 
video frame boundaries.
Sequence in the Avid Timeline after overwrite
Sample-accurate edits in the Interplay window
The original audio clip does not line up on video frame 
edit audio files
1 Pro Tools 
audio clip
5 frame 
video clip