Behringer Mixer RX1202FX User Manual

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The controller works the same as the one for the mono channels. 
However, the level control range is limited from +20 to -20 dBu 
because the stereo channels only process line signals.
The stereo-channel equalizer features 2 bands like the one used for the 
mono channels. 
The MON/FX buses of the stereo channels work like those of the mono channels. 
Since both paths are mono, the signal of a stereo channel is initially mixed to a 
summed mono signal before reaching the MON/FX bus.
The BAL(ANCE) control determines the levels of left and right input signals 
relative to each other before both signals are then routed to the main stereo 
mix bus. If a channel is operated in mono via the left line input, this control 
has the same function as the PAN control used in the mono channels. 
The CLIP LEDs of the stereo channels light up when the input signal’s level is too 
high. In this case, reduce the preamplification with the TRIM controller until the 
LED goes out.
Channel fader
As with the mono channels, the channel fader determines the level of the 
channel strip for the stereo channels in the main mix.
Connector array of the main section
Fig. 2.3: Connectors of the main section
The MAIN OUT connectors are balanced and laid out as XLR 
connectors. Here the summed signal of the main mix has a level of 
0 dBu. According to the way you want to use the mixer and which 
equipment you have, following devices can be connected:
Live PA systems:
A stereo dynamics processor (optional), stereo equalizer (optional) and the 
stereo power amplifier for full-range loudspeakers with passive crossovers.
If you wish to use multi-way loudspeaker systems without an integrated 
crossover, you have to use an active crossover and several power amplifiers. 
Often, limiters are already built into active crossovers (e.g. BEHRINGER SUPER-X 
PRO CX2310 and ULTRADRIVE PRO DCX2496). Active crossovers are implemented 
directly before the power amplifier, and they divide the frequency range into 
several segments that are first amplified in the amplifiers and then passed on 
to the corresponding loudspeakers.
For mastering, using a stereo compressor such as the COMPOSER PRO-XL 
MDX2600 can be recommended. Use it to custom-tailor the dynamic 
characteristics of your signal to the dynamic range of the recording equipment 
you are using. The signal is in this case passed on from the compressor into 
the recorder.
The CTRL OUT connectors are used for controlling the summed signal 
(effects mix and main mix) as well as for individual signals over studio monitor 
speakers. By using the PHONES/CONTROL ROOM controller in the main section, 
you can control the level of both outputs.
The CD/TAPE INs are used to bring an external signal source (e.g. CD player, 
tape deck, etc.) into the console. They can also be used as a standard stereo line 
input, so the output of a second EURORACK or BEHRINGER ULTRALINK PRO MX882 
can be connected. Alternatively, the line or tape output of a hi-fi amplifier with 
source selection switch could also be hooked up here, allowing you to easily listen 
to additional sources (e.g. cassette recorder, minidisk player, sound card etc.). 
These connections are laid out as RCA connectors and are wired parallel to 
MAIN OUT. Connect the inputs of a computer sound card or a recorder here. 
The output signal level is set up using the highly accurate MAIN MIX fader.
The FX connector routes the signal, which you have extracted from the individual 
channels by using the FX controller; the MON plug does the same to the signal 
that has been extracted by using the MON controller. Connect the input of 
an external effects processor to the FX plug, with which you want to modify 
the signal sum of the FX bus. Then, route the effects signal back to the mixer 
over the AUX RETURN connectors. With the MON outputs, you can connect an 
amplifier/headphones amplifier for the musicians to monitor.