Weil-McLain NX User Manual

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WM  550-141-996/1105 
RWB 6104WMNX R1005
Figure 1. Burner label location
  State and local approvals are shown on burner rat-
ing label mounted on the burner housing.
  For recommended installation practice in Canada, 
refer to the latest version of CSA Standard B139 & 
General Specifi cations
Notice Special Requirements
  Concealed damage — If you discover damage to 
the burner or controls during unpacking, notify the 
carrier at once and fi le the appropriate claim.
  When contacting Beckett for service information — 
Please record the burner serial number (and have 
available when calling or writing). You will fi nd the 
serial number on the silver label located on the left 
rear of the burner. Refer to Figure 1.