Affirmative 7375 Guía Del Usuario

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YEStablet 7375 User Guide—YESterm IP Terminal Emulation
? Drop-Down Menu 
•  Contents (c).  This command is not used in the 7375. 
•  Keyboard Help… (k). This command displays the keyboard map in use.  You can see the mapping, but you 
cannot edit it from this screen.  This display can be used in two ways: 
1.  If you click on a key to which a command has been mapped, you will see that command highlighted in the 
List Box. 
2.  If you highlight a command in the List Box, the key or key combination that executes that command will 
be highlighted on the keyboard graphic.  Some commands can be executed from several different key 
combinations.  In that case, you will see the notation (x of y), which indicates that this is the xth sequence 
out of y possibilities.  To cycle through the combinations for that command, click on Next Sequence
•  About… (a).  This command displays detailed information on the YESterm IP program such as version, 
copyrights, and other useful information. 
Button Bar 
The Button bar is displayed across the top of the application window to the right of the Menu bar. The Button bar 
provides quick access to commands you use on a regular basis.  If you do not need it, you can hide it and the Menu 
bar to increase the size of your display window. When the toolbar is displayed, a check mark appears next to the 
Toolbar option in the View menu. 
Display Emulation Screen Buttons Bar 
The system administrator may disable any or all of the Menu bar commands.  Se
The command/button definitions are: 
Connect.  Duplicates the function of the menu 
Disconnect.  Duplicates the function of the menu 
Print.  Duplicates the function of the menu 