3M hand hygiene solution brochure, family of products Manual De Usuario

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CDC Guideline
U.S. guidelines recommend that 
agents used for surgical hand 
scrubs should substantially reduce 
microorganisms on intact skin, 
contain a nonirritating antimicrobial 
preparation, have broad-spectrum 
activity, and be fast-acting and 
3M Avagard Surgical Hand Prep 
provides rapid antimicrobial kill of a 
broad spectrum of microorganisms, 
including antibiotic-resistant strains, 
and provides persistence for up to 
6 hours.
CDC Guideline
Surgical hand-antisepsis protocols 
have required personnel to scrub 
with a brush. But this practice can 
damage the skin of personnel and 
result in increased shedding of 
bacteria from hands. Several studies 
indicate that neither a brush nor a 
sponge is necessary to reduce 
bacterial counts on the hands of 
surgical personnel to acceptable 
levels, especially when alcohol-
based products are used.” 
3M Avagard Surgical Hand Prep is 
a brushless, scrubless hand antiseptic 
that contains 1% chlorhexidine 
gluconate solution and 61% w/w 
ethyl alcohol.
CDC Guideline
Alcohol-based hand rubs containing 
emollients were better tolerated by 
health care workers than washing 
hands with non-antimicrobial soaps 
or antimicrobial soaps.”
3M Avagard D Instant Hand 
Antiseptic is more moisturizing and 
results in less redness and less skin 
breakdown with multiple daily uses 
than Purell
 Instant Hand Sanitizer 
with moisturizers.
CDC Guideline
One study conducted in an intensive-
care unit demonstrated that it took 
nurses an average of 62 seconds 
to leave a patient's bedside, walk 
to a sink, wash their hands, and 
return to patient care. In contrast, 
an estimated one fourth as much 
time is required when using an 
alcohol-based hand rub placed at 
each patient’s bedside.” 
3M Avagard D Instant Hand 
Antiseptic is available in pocket and 
pump bottle form, for convenient 
access. No special trips to a sink are 
required. It is CHG compatible and 
it kills more than 99% of harmful 
CDC Guideline
Provide health care providers with 
hand lotions or creams in order to 
minimize the occurrence of irritant 
contact dermatitis associated with 
hand antisepsis or handwashing.”
3M Cavilon Moisturizing Lotion 
contains emollients for moisturizing 
and preventing dry skin. It can be 
used under latex gloves and does not 
affect the activity of chlorhexidine 
CDC Guideline
Also, studies demonstrate that 
several hand lotions have reduced 
skin scaling and cracking, which 
may reduce microbial shedding 
from hands.”
3M Cavilon Moisturizing Lotion 
replenishes and soothes skin, making 
it easier for personnel to comply 
with facility policy concerning 
proper hand hygiene.
Surgical Hand Scrubbing
Time is precious in the operating room. So although operating room personnel wouldn’t
think of not scrubbing before surgery, many often spend less than the recommended
amount of time doing it. This can affect the efficacy of antisepsis.
Hand Washing
Though the importance of hand washing is well accepted, compliance with recommended hand
washing procedures only averages approximately 40%. Obstacles to following facility protocol
include understaffing, inconveniently located sinks, an unacceptable hand washing product,
absence of paper towels or the presence of damaged skin caused by frequent hand washing.
Hand Moisturizing
Frequent hand washing is hard on hands. Surveys report approximately 75% of nurses have problems
with their hands, including “dry, scaly, cracked skin; red blotchy skin or stinging.” Damaged skin 
can contribute to the onset of healthcare-associated infection.
Moisturizing Lotion
Hypoallergenic, fragrance-free 
and does not break down latex 
or synthetic gloves. 
(Chlorhexidine Gluconate 1% 
Solution and Ethyl Alcohol 
61% w/w)
Surgical and
Healthcare Personnel Hand 
Antiseptic with Moisturizers
The first and only FDA-approved 
waterless and brushless surgical hand antiseptic.
Instant Hand Antiseptic 
with Moisturizers
The waterless hand antiseptic 
with moisturizers that is CHG
compatible, fragrance-free and 
latex glove compatible.