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galaxy at War 
To the right of the multiplayer menu options is the Galaxy at War, which shows the status of the 
Alliance’s five theaters of war. Monitor each theater’s readiness rating to effectively defend the Milky 
Way from Reaper invasion.
theaters of War
The galaxy map displays five theaters of war. Help defend these fronts as the Reapers invade the 
Milky Way.
Terminus Systems
Attican Traverse
Earth Systems Alliance Space
Inner Council Space
Outer Council Space
reaper Invasion Status
Each theater of war has one of four alerts, known as readiness ratings. Use these ratings to evaluate 
which theater most needs your team’s help in countering the Reaper invasion.
Critical: Immediate action required to counter the Reaper invasion.
Urgent: Action required to counter the Reaper threat.
Serious: Help needed, but current forces are holding the Reapers off.
Stable but at Risk: Battle lines are holding.
The more waves completed in a mission, the more you improve the readiness ratings of these war 
fronts. Often, a squad must run multiple countermissions to improve a theater’s invasion status. 
Neglect a green or yellow theater for too long, and the Reapers will start taking it back.
Each theater of war has one or more conflict zones, which are also known as firebases.
To defend a theater, you must choose a corresponding firebase when joining or creating a match. Do 
this by changing the mission’s location.
Setting the location to “unknown” will give each player’s character an experience bonus of +10% and 
will improve the readiness rating of all theaters by up to +5%. Choosing a specific firebase improves 
the readiness rating of its theater by +15% and improves the rating of all other theaters by +2%.
Invading forces are made up of Reapers, Cerberus, and Geth.
If you wish to defend a territory against a specific hostile force, choose an enemy type when joining or 
creating a mission.
Setting the enemy to “unknown” generates an enemy at random and awards your character a +15% 
experience bonus.
Choose from bronze, silver, and gold challenges when joining or creating a mission.
Bronze challenges are intended for beginners, silver for intermediate players, and gold is for experts. 
The harder the difficulty setting, the more credits and experience your character earns.