games-ps2 primal-the legendary of oblivion Manual De Usuario

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O B L I V I O N .
A dimension where
energies from four demon realms flow into the
Nexus, a vast machine that maintains stability in the
eternal conflict between the primal forces of Order
and Chaos: Order seeks balance, Chaos strives only
for anarchy. Chronos is the guardian, the channeller
of powers – but he is weakening, poisoned by the
scheming of Abaddon, Lord of Chaos. By rights, no
faction should be able to influence events beyond the
Nexus, but Abaddon has been planning his
treachery for many centuries.
Years ago, Abaddon’s servants abducted two babies
from the mortal realm - Mortalis - our world. He
altered them both so that they would grow into
something quite unique: human/demon hybrids,
beings caught between worlds, able to break the
rules that form the very fabric of Oblivion. But the
two babies were saved from Abaddon’s clutches by
Abdizur, the champion of Order. He returned them
to Mortalis and hid them from Abaddon’s sight.
T H E   L E G E N D A R Y   O B L I V I O N
Returning to Oblivion, Abdizur
was captured. Imprisoned and
tortured, his wisdom and 
strength have long since been 
lost. Nevertheless, the babies 
have remained beyond 
Abaddon’s grasp…
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