Kaspersky Lab kaspersky corporate suite-anti-virus solution Manuel D’Utilisation

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K A S P E R S K Y   C O R P O R A T E   S U I T E  
porate network and to schedule the scanning procedure to be auto-
matically started at a certain point of time. 
•  automatically update anti-virus databases on workstations. The 
updating procedure may be performed centrally, in this case you do 
not need every workstation to connect to the Kaspersky Lab web 
server. The updating procedure also may be scheduled to start 
automatically on a regular basis. 
•  change settings of any workstation on the corporate network in ad-
vance. In this program we implemented the so-called Pending appli-
cation of the new settings. Now, while defining new settings for a 
workstation the administrator doesn’t have to worry whether the 
workstation is available on the network. It may be simply discon-
nected at the moment. The settings are defined using their copy 
stored on the primary server, and are actually applied immediately af-
ter the network connection to the workstation is restored. 
•  detect a virus-outbreak (simultaneous infection of several computers 
on the network) immediately after it happened. The administrator can 
customize the anti-virus software to repulse the outbreak. 
•  remotely install (deploy) anti-virus software on the workstations. 
To remotely deploy anti-virus software on the corporate network work-
stations, the administrator has to download the Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus 
software on the administrating station (or a dedicated server) only once, 
and then remotely install it on the corporate network workstations. 
8.1.2. Alerts 
The special notification subsystem allows the administrator to define the list of 
events to be notified about via email. For example, you may want to be notified 
about a virus on your network, or about the failure to update virus-definition data-
bases on a workstation.