Apple lc 580.performa 580cd Instruction De Maintenance

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Symptom Charts/CD-ROM Drive
 - 17
CD-ROM Drive
A Macintosh LC 580 
starts up from a 
backup CD-ROM disc, 
but won’t eject the 
disc and gives a -50 
error. Or the 
computer starts up 
from backup CD-
ROM, but won’t mount 
discs after restart.
Early Macintosh LC 580 computers shipped with AppleCD 300i 
plus CD-ROM drives. Later LC 580 computers shipped with 
AppleCD 600i CD-ROM drives. Using a backup CD-ROM intended 
for the AppleCD 300i in an AppleCD 600i (or vice versa) will 
cause these symptoms.
• Identify the backup CD-ROM discs by their part numbers. 
Backup discs for AppleCD 300i have the part numbers 
691-0462-B or 691-3305-A. Backup discs for AppleCD 
600i have the part number 691-0793-A.
• Identify the CD-ROM drive installed in the Macintosh LC 
580. Remove any CD-ROM disc present in the drive. Open 
the PC Exchange control panel and click Options. You will 
see the product code CR-8004x if the drive is a 300i or 
the code CR-8005x if the drive is a 600i.
• Use only 300i backup CD-ROM discs in 300i drives, and 
only 600i backup discs in 600i drives.