Kaspersky Lab kaspersky mail gateway 5.5 Mode D'Emploi

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 Mail Gateway 5.5 
6.5. Syntax check in notification 
The application allows syntax checks of notification templates accomplished 
using the kltlv  utility installed by default in the /opt/kav/5.5/scm-smtpgw/bin 
directory (in Linux distributions) or in /usr/local/share/kav/5.5/scm-smtpgw/bin (for 
FreeBSD distributions)). 
The kltlv utility can be started by a privileged user (root) only. 
To check the syntax of a notification template, enter the following in the 
command line: 
# /opt/kav/5.5/scm-smtpgw/bin/kltlv ./dsn.tmpl 
The utility will output to server console a report similar to the example below: 
Kaspersky Template Language Verifier for Linux GLIBC 2.2 
version 5.5.53/RELEASE, 
Copyright (C) Kaspersky Lab, 1997-2006 
Parsing error: Unexpected end of line in the declaration, 
line 63 
If a template check is successful, the utility will report that template syntax is 
correct. In case of errors it will display a description of possible failure causes 
(see section A.13 on p. 129). Utility return codes are described in section A.14 on 
p. 131. 
6.6. Work with email archive and the 
quarantine directory 
The  klmaila utility allows management of objects preserved in the quarantine 
directories and the archives of incoming/outgoing messages. 
The klmaila utility can be started by a privileged user (root) only. 
It offers the following opportunities: 
Reviewing of the whole storage contents or information on certain 
messages, e.g.: