Kaspersky Lab kaspersky mail gateway 5.5 Mode D'Emploi

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Advanced application settings
Total: 12 queued messages have been removed. 
A message can be removed from queue if it has WFC, WFS 
or QUE status only. 
Send all or selected messages ahead of the general queue, e.g.: 
> ./klmailq --send-id=jHrWPC7s86253 
Kaspersky Mail Queue Manager for Linux GLIBC 
2.2 version 5.1.53/RELEASE, 
Copyright (C) Kaspersky Lab, 1997-2006 
Message with QueueID jHrWPC7s86253 will be sent 
A message can be sent ahead of the general queue only if it 
has QUE status (expects delivery to the recipient). 
Descriptions of command line options for klmailq utility can be 
found in section 
A.15 on p. 
132, its return codes are 
described in section A.17 on p. 134. 
6.8. Managing the application 
While Kaspersky Mail Gateway is running, you can manage the application using 
scripts, signals, and special control files.  
This section describes how to manage the application using scripts (about 
management options using signals, see section A.4 on p. 117; about using files 
see A.5 on p. 118).  
Application management using scripts requires privileged user (root
If you use Linux distribution package (except for installations made 
using the tar.gz package), to run the management script, enter the 
following in the command line: 
# /opt/kav/5.5/scm-smtpgw/init.d/smtpgw <action> 
or use the link: 
# /etc/init.d/scm-smtpgw <action>