Adobe Flash Remoting MX (FR) MLP, TLP Commercial 15000-24999 38002739TT Fascicule

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The easiest way to connect Macromedia Flash
to application logic and data
Macromedia Flash Remoting MX provides the connection between Macromedia
Flash and your web application server, making it fast and easy to create
Rich Internet Applications that blend content, applications, and communications.
Easily integrate rich Macromedia Flash content with applications built using
Macromedia ColdFusion®, Microsoft .NET, Java, and SOAP-based web services using
the powerful—yet simple—programming model provided with Flash Remoting MX.
Easily access business logic: Access web
application services, XML documents, and
web services quickly and easily using powerful
new Flash Remoting ActionScript commands.
Easily access web services from
Macromedia Flash: Access SOAP-based
web services directly from Macromedia Flash
using built-in SOAP 1.1/WSDL 1.1 proxy
capabilities—even when they’re outside the
originating domain.
Simplify your team workflow: Flash
Remoting MX enables you to expose
well-defined application APIs to
Macromedia Flash as simple ActionScript
APIs, simplifying workflow between UI
designers and back-end developers.
Simplify recordset handling: Use new
APIs for recordset handling and databinding,
simplifying the use of recordsets within
Macromedia Flash. Binding recordset data to
a scrolling list or datagrid becomes a simple task.
Streamline your testing and debugging: The
powerful NetConnection Debugger streamlines
testing and debugging of the most complex
applications. Developers can watch and trace
events across both the client and server.
Consume XML with less effort:
Flash Remoting MX parses and translates
ActionScript XML objects on the server
into an org.w3c.xml DOM, making any remote
service that accepts or returns XML
documents—or both—seamlessly accessible
to Macromedia Flash.
Promote well-designed applications:
Create well-designed Rich Internet
Applications by using Flash Remoting MX
to implement a three-tier or n-tier model, with
a clear separation of presentation logic from
business logic and data.
Use built-in application server features:
Utilize built-in application server features,
such as security and session management,
without additional code.
Use your existing web application server:
Flash Remoting MX supports today’s leading
web application server technologies, including
ColdFusion, .NET, and Java, enabling the use
of Macromedia Flash as a rich user interface
for a wide range of business applications.
Deploy in your native application server
environment: Flash Remoting MX for
Microsoft .NET is a pure .NET implementation
that runs as 100% managed code exploiting
the benefits of .NET, and providing optimal
performance, functionality, and security. Flash
Remoting MX for Java is a 100% pure Java
solution that can be deployed as WAR or EAR
files on compliant Java application servers.
Deploy consistently across platforms and
devices: Deploy consistently to over 455
million Internet users across all major platforms
and devices without additional client software
deployment. Macromedia Flash Player is the
leading rich client installed on over 98% of
all Internet connected devices.
Copyright (c) 1987-2002 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved. Macromedia, the Macromedia logo, ColdFusion,
Flash, and Macromedia Flash are trademarks or registered trademarks of Macromedia, Inc. in the United States
and/or other countries. Third-party marks are the properties of their respective owners. U.S. Patent No. 6,128,712.
System Requirements
Intel® Pentium® II processor or faster
256 MB RAM (512 recommended)
5 MB hard disk space
Microsoft® .NET Framework v1.0 SDK
Microsoft Windows® NT® Server 4.0 SP6a
Windows 2000 Server SP2
Windows XP Professional
Macromedia Flash MX
Macromedia Flash Player 6,0,47,0, or later
256 MB RAM (512 recommended)
5 MB hard disk space
Windows NT Server 4.0 SP6a
Windows 2000 Server SP2
Linux®: Red Hat® 7.3 or SuSE 7.3
UNIX: SPARC™ Solaris™ 2.7, 8
J2EE™ 1.2, 1.3
Servlet 2.2, 2.3
Macromedia Flash MX
Macromedia Flash Player 6,0,47,0, or later
For examples of content built with
Flash Remoting MX, visit the online gallery at
To purchase in the United States or Canada,
visit or call
800-457-1774. Outside the U.S. and Canada,
visit to find the
Macromedia office or authorized distributor
nearest you.