Nxp Semiconductors OM11043 Fiche De Données

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Product data sheet
Rev. 9.5 — 24 June 2014 
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NXP Semiconductors
32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller
Digital filter with programmable delays for encoder input signals.
Can accept decoded signal inputs (clk and direction).
Connected to APB.
8.25 Repetitive Interrupt (RI) timer
The repetitive interrupt timer provides a free-running 32-bit counter which is compared to 
a selectable value, generating an interrupt when a match occurs. Any bits of the 
timer/compare can be masked such that they do not contribute to the match detection. 
The repetitive interrupt timer can be used to create an interrupt that repeats at 
predetermined intervals.
8.25.1 Features
32-bit counter running from PCLK. Counter can be free-running or be reset by a 
generated interrupt.
32-bit compare value.
32-bit compare mask. An interrupt is generated when the counter value equals the 
compare value, after masking. This allows for combinations not possible with a simple 
8.26 ARM Cortex-M3 system tick timer
The ARM Cortex-M3 includes a system tick timer (SYSTICK) that is intended to generate 
a dedicated SYSTICK exception at a 10 ms interval. In the LPC17xx, this timer can be 
clocked from the internal AHB clock or from a device pin.
8.27 Watchdog timer
The purpose of the watchdog is to reset the microcontroller within a reasonable amount of 
time if it enters an erroneous state. When enabled, the watchdog will generate a system 
reset if the user program fails to ‘feed’ (or reload) the watchdog within a predetermined 
amount of time.
8.27.1 Features
Internally resets chip if not periodically reloaded.
Debug mode.
Enabled by software but requires a hardware reset or a watchdog reset/interrupt to be 
Incorrect/Incomplete feed sequence causes reset/interrupt if enabled.
Flag to indicate watchdog reset.
Programmable 32-bit timer with internal prescaler.
Selectable time period from (T
 256  4) to (T
 2
 4) in 
multiples of T
 4.
The Watchdog Clock (WDCLK) source can be selected from the Internal RC (IRC) 
oscillator, the RTC oscillator, or the APB peripheral clock. This gives a wide range of 
potential timing choices of Watchdog operation under different power reduction