Conrad Digital Thermometer Module With LED Display Kit 192147 Fiche De Données

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the reference value and the offset are, the lower will be the error; in the ideal case it is 
zero (but only at this reference temperature!). 
Technical data 
Operating voltage……………: 7 ... 18 V= 
Power consumption…………: approx. 200 mA 
Measurement range………….: -50.0 to +150.0°C 
Resolution……………………..: 0.1°C 
Display…………………………: 3½ -digit, 13 mm LED-display, red, with minus sign 
Dimensions……………………: 85 x 63 mm 
Before you start with the assembly, please read these guidelines completely till the end, 
before you start-up the component or the device (please read especially the section on 
possible errors and their removal!) and naturally also the safety instructions. You will 
then know what is important and to what you need to pay attention, in order to avoid 
faults, which can be removed later only with a high effort! 
Carry out the soldering and wiring absolutely cleanly and diligently, do not use any 
soldering tin containing acid, soldering grease, etc. Make sure that no cold solder joint is 
present. An unclean soldering or a poorly done solder joint, a loose contact or a poorly 
done assembly imply an extensive and time-consuming search for faults and sometimes 
also a destruction of the components, which can often entail a chain reaction and 
destroy the complete kit. 
Also keep in mind that we will not repair the kits that have been soldered with the help of 
acid-containing soldering tin, soldering grease, etc. While assembling electronic circuits 
a fundamental knowledge of handling the components, soldering and handling of 
electronic or electrical parts is required. 
General instructions for making a circuit 
The possibility that something does not work after the assembly can be reduced 
drastically through an assembly done cleanly and diligently. Check each step, each 
solder joint twice, before your proceed! Follow the assembly instructions! Do not carry 
out the step described there in a different way and do not skip anything! Put a double 
tick-mark on each step: once for assembly and once for checking. 
Take your time: Tinkering is not a piece-work, because the time spent here is three-
times less than that spent in looking for faults. 
A frequent reason for a non-functioning component is a mounting error, such as 
incorrectly inserted components like ICs, diodes and electrolytic capacitors. Please also 
pay attention to the colour rings of the resistors, since most of them have colour rings 
that can be mixed up easily. 
Pay attention to the capacitor values e.g. n 10 = 100 pF (not 10 nF). Checking twice and 
thrice can help here. Also see to it that all the IC contacts are actually inserted in the 
socket. It can happen very easily that one of these gets bent during insertion. A slight 
pressure and the IC must go in the socket all by itself. If this does not happen, then 
probably one of the contacts is bent.