Alsoft DiskWarrior - 3.0 Guide D’Installation Rapide

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In the event that critical items that you wish to recover remain missing during the preview, it is recommended 
that you do not proceed with the rebuild. Since the directory information for the items that are missing was 
overwritten or deleted at some point previously, DiskWarrior could not recover these items. You will need to 
send your disk to a professional recovery service to recover your lost files. While in preview, you should copy 
as many items from your disk as possible to another hard disk, removable media, floppy disks, etc., using the 
copy feature of the Preview Window. You may need to copy the original files to several disks, depending 
upon the amount and size of the files on the source and the size of the disks to which you are copying the 
files. Another option is to copy only the files that you absolutely need, such as those that have changed since 
your last backup, or only your data files if you are planning to reinstall your system and applications. In either 
case, it is possible that the Preview Window will not be able to copy all of the files you select. If the Preview 
Window displays such an error, select “Continue” to continue copying the remainder of the files you selected. 
When the copy operation is complete, you may want to attempt to copy the skipped files again in case the 
error is intermittent and the copy operation can be performed for those files. This will minimize the number of 
items that the recovery service will need to recover for you.
What to Look for in the DiskWarrior Report
After the rebuild has been completed, DiskWarrior will show you a DiskWarrior Report. When DiskWarrior first 
displays the DiskWarrior Report, it defaults to showing you a summary of all the problems found and repaired 
and DiskWarriorʼs recommendation to you. However, if you wish to see more detail regarding the problems 
found and repaired, you can select the Detail button for this information.
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