Agilent Technologies FS2100 Manuale Utente

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PVALID_L - Parity Valid 
True for the cycles in which parity is 
being transmitted on the PCI bus. 
IDLE_L - Idle cycle 
True when the bus is IDLE.  False when 
the bus is busy. 
DVALID_L - Data Valid 
True when data is being transferred on 
the PCI bus. 
WINITI_L - Master Initiated 
Wait State 
True when a wait state is being initiated 
by the master 
WTARGET_L - Target 
Initiated Wait State 
True when a wait state is being initiated 
by the target 
RETRY_L - Retry 
True when a retry condition has been 
detected on the PCI bus 
TABORT_L - Target Abort 
True when a Target Abort condition has 
been detected on the PCI bus.  This 
signal is true for one clock bit. 
WNODEV_L - Wait state 
caused by no assertion of 
True when a wait state has been 
caused by no assertion of DEVSEL#. 
GNT_L - The Grant signal for 
that slot 
In State Mode this signal is latched and 
held until end of transaction.  Useful as 
a store qualifier. 
In timing mode the GNT# from the PCI 
bus is passed through to the logic 
L_CMD - The latched 
command lines 
The C/BE signals latched during the 
command /address phase and held until 
end of transaction. 
AVALID_L - Address Valid 
True on the first assertion of FRAME# 
and the rising edge of the PCI clock.  
True for one cycle except on Dual 
Address cycles when it is true for two 
The Data Parity 
Checking Logic 
Parity checking is only available in STATE Mode and is 
controlled by the PARITY ON  switch on the front panel.    The 
parity generation is done by the IDT 162511 latching buffers.  
Only data parity is generated and then checked against the data 
parity that is transferred on the bus.  If they are not the same 
then the signal CPERR_L will be asserted on the cycle that the 
parity is valid.  This signal will remain valid for one clock tic.