Eagle sport Guida Utente

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Navigate To  a Waypoint
The AccuMap Sport makes it easy to navigate to
any user waypoint in two simple steps. First, se-
lect the destination from the database, then press
the key next to the “NAV GO TO ...” label. The unit
immediately shows navigation information to the
selected location.
In this example, we recalled waypoint number 4.
It’s 4.12 miles away from our present position on a bearing of 39° mag-
netic, which is roughly north-northeast.
The mapping, navigation, and windows screens above show samples of
the AccuMap Sport’s three modes. All three are showing navigation data
to the same waypoint from the same location. Simply press the MODE
key to switch between these screens.
Navigating to a cursor location
The AccuMap Sport lets you navigation to a location without storing it in
the waypoint database by using the map and cursor. To do this, first switch
to any map screen. Map number 1 shown at the top of the next page is
used in this example.
Now move the map cursor to the location that you want to navigate to.
Next, press the MENU key. A new menu appears on the list: “Go To Cur-
sor”. Press the right arrow key. The AccuMap Sport shows nav data to the
cursor location.