games-pc majesty Manuale Utente

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Recruit Heroes
The main role of Guilds and Temples is to support the activities of your
heroes. Click this button to add a new hero of the appropriate type
(Rangers from a Rangers Guild, for example) to your employ. The
recruitment cost is subtracted from your treasury and the button turns
into a progress bar showing you when the new hero will arrive.
Special Ability
Many buildings have special functions; for example, Guilds have guild skills
and Temples have spells. The relevant special ability buttons activate that
skill, provided that you have the funds to pay for it. The Spells button, 
for instance, takes you to a list of that building’s spells.
Combat Damage
Each building and lair can take only a certain amount of damage before it collapses. This is
represented by the structures "hit points". As a site takes damage from attacks, these points
are gradually lost. When the hit point total reaches zero, the building is destroyed.
You can have a damaged building repaired at any time before it reaches zero hit points. 
If you need a building that has been destroyed, however, your only option is to construct a
replacement. Also, note that only fully repaired buildings can research new abilities or be
upgraded; damaged sites must be brought into good repair first.
Repair Routes
Buildings damaged by attacks can be repaired. You can choose to have a building repaired
every time it’s damaged (it’s in the Repair Queue), or you can have it repaired only when you
specifically order it (Repair Once). The advantage of having buildings in the queue is that you
can focus your royal attention on other things and let the business of repair go on in the
background. However, if you want to carefully manage your Peasants, the Repair Once option
comes in handy.
You only have a limited number of Peasants, and they divide their time between constructing
new buildings and repairing existing ones. For the most part, the Peasants aren’t as intelligent
as their ruler, and in heated moments, they might focus their efforts wrongly—for example,
repairing a minor structure while a more important one is badly damaged and under attack.
The Repair Once option lets you manage this situation by taking less important buildings off
your Peasants’ Repair Queue, then calling for them to be repaired when the situation allows.