CA Threat Manager r8.1 - 500-749 Users - Product plus 3 Years Enterprise Maintenance - MLP-M6 CAITM8105MIGEM6 Manuale Utente

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Frequently Asked Questions
By combining the protective power of these two technologies
in one centrally-managed product, CA offers the ability to
easily enhance your endpoint protection. This combination
offers you comprehensive detection and prevention against
rising blended threats, robust reporting, expanded platform
coverage, expanded language support and deployment from a
central location via a single, intuitive console to enhance your
endpoint protection.  
Best-of-breed anti-virus and anti-spyware products still make
up 65% of the enterprise base today. However, owning one
and not the other does not provide comprehensive anti-
malware protection that enterprises need today from blended
threats. The market is moving in this direction and many
enterprises are beginning to see the benefits of an anti-
malware solution. In a recent enterprise poll 95% said they
are looking to buy an integrated suite. 
Q. Does an independent, third party test the CA Anti-Virus
A. Yes. Keeping anti-virus software up-to-date is critical. The CA
Security Advisor has played a key role in helping CA achieve
internationally recognized detection and removal certifications
for malware from ICSA Labs, West Coast Labs and Virus
Bulletin. CA Anti-Virus consistently receives the “100%
Award” from Virus Bulletin. CA has also received Checkmark
certifications from West Coast Labs for malware detection and
removal (Anti-Virus Level 1, Anti-Virus Level 2 and Trojan). CA
Anti-Virus is also ICSA Labs certified for detecting and
cleaning 100% of “in-the-wild” viruses.
Q. Will I be protected from the latest blended threats, worms,
viruses and Trojans etc?
A. Yes. Keeping anti-virus software up-to-date is critical. CA
Anti-Virus is backed by CA Security Advisor that has served
as the trusted source of security content to governments,
enterprises, educational institutions and non-profit
organizations since 1987. CA’s industry-leading security
researchers, who continuously monitor new security threats
and develop mitigation procedures, staff the CA Security
Advisor. Comprised of worldwide rapid response centers, CA
Security Advisor provides around-the-clock threat research
and content development aggregating security data from over
400 sources using a patent pending process for research,
testing and validation of threats. 
Q. How will you be expanding the utility of CA Anti-Virus?
A. CA Anti-Virus detects and removes malware from files and
user profiles/accounts to uncover hidden threat instances and
provide comprehensive virus protection. Incremental .DAT
files will ensure that you are protected against new threats. 
Q. Are your threat products compatible with other CA security
A. Yes. CA Anti-Virus is compatible with, and complementary to,
other security initiatives, including CA Host-Based Intrusion
Prevention System (CA HIPS), which blends stand-alone
firewall and intrusion detection and prevention capabilities to
provide centralized proactive threat protection, and CA Secure
Content Manager (CA SCM), a single, unified gateway
solution that safeguards enterprises from data confidentiality
breaches, web and messaging threats from a central
management console. 
Adding CA HIPS to your endpoint threat defenses will help you
prevent known and unknown threats such as malware, spyware,
adware and rogue software from penetrating your network.
While the use of CA Anti-Virus will detect and remove threats
that happen to evade detection or that previously infected the
endpoint; adding CA SCM complements CA Anti-Virus’s
endpoint threat protection with centrally-managed gateway
threat protection.
Q. Can I now deploy CA Anti-Virus r8.1 using third party
software delivery tools?
A. Yes. CA Anti-Virus r8.1 enables administrators to deploy
the CA Anti-Virus client via Unicenter
Software Delivery,
Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) and other third
party deployment programs without any end user interaction,
providing increased flexibility and streamlined deployment.
This new feature enables you to quickly and securely deploy
CA Anti-Virus in large enterprise environments, while
maximizing your existing software delivery investments.
Q. What Makes CA Anti-Virus r8.1 the right choice?
A. As part of the CA Threat Manager r8.1 solution, CA Anti-Virus
r8.1 is the next generation in comprehensive anti-virus security
for business PCs, servers and PDAs. It combines proactive
protection against malware with powerful management
features that stop and remove malicious code before it enters
your network, reducing system downtime and outbreak
response costs. 
CA Anti-Virus, purchased as a standalone product, offers
excellent anti-virus protection and complements other threat
prevention products from both CA and other vendors.