ABL electronic PIC Microcontrollers PIC18 Manuale Utente

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Source files containing C code should have the extension 
. List of source files
relevant for the application is stored in project file with extension 
, along
with other project information. You can compile source files only if they are part
of a project.
Use the preprocessor directive 
to include headers. Do not rely on pre-
processor to include other source files — see Projects for more information.
Search Paths
Paths for source files (
You can specify your own custom search paths. This can be configured by select-
ing Tools > Options from drop-down menu and then tab window Advanced.
In project settings, you can specify either absolute or relative path to the source
file. If you specify a relative path, mikroC will look for the file in following loca-
tions, in this particular order:
1. the project folder (folder which contains the project file 
2. your custom search paths,
3. mikroC installation folder > “uses” folder.
MikroElektronika:  Development  tools  -  Books  -  Compilers
mikroC - C Compiler for Microchip PIC microcontrollers
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