Avaya Audix Dépliant

Pagina di 2
R E C O R D I N G   A N D   S E N D I N G   M E S S A G E S
Sending voice or voice-fax messages 
•  From the activity menu 
•  Record voice message 
•  When finished 
•  Specify delivery address (see below) 
•  When finished 
•  Specify delivery options (see below) 
•  Send message 
Sending fax-only messages from fax machine 
•  From the activity menu 
•  Bypass voice recording 
•  Specify delivery address (see below) 
•  When finished 
•  Specify delivery options (see below) 
•  Load document into fax machine 
•  Send message 
•  Press Start key on fax machine 
Sending voice-fax messages by forwarding a fax 
  To send a fax to your own mailbox: 
•  Log in to mailbox 
•  From the activity menu 
•  Forward fax with optional  
voice message 
  [1] [2] 
•  Record voice message 
•  When finished 
•  Specify delivery address (see below) 
•  When finished 
•  Specify delivery options (see below) 
•  Send message 
Specify delivery address 
•  For voice user:  
Enter user’s mailbox number, and press  
•  For voice user name addressing:  
Press [*] [2], spell user’s name 
or name of personal list, and press  
•  For personal list, press [*] [5], then list number. 
•  For fax user:  
Press [*] [*] [5], enter outside line number  
(if needed) and telephone number,  
and then press  
•  To cancel address: press  
[*] [3] 
•  To cancel another address: press    [*] [1] [*] [3] 
•  To list all recipients: press  
[*] [1] 
Specify delivery options 
•  Make private/not private (toggle) 
•  Make priority/not priority (toggle) 
•  Schedule for future delivery 
•  Attach a fax 
G E T T I N G   M E S S A G E S   Y O U   R E C E I V E D
Listening to voice/e-mail messages 
•  From the activity menu 
•  Listen to voice or e-mail message 
Responding to messages (optional) 
After listening to your message, press [1] to respond to  
or forward the message. Then select one of the following: 
•  Call sender (exits mailbox) 
•  Reply to sender by voice mail 
•  Forward with comment at beginning 
•  Record and address a new message 
•  Reply to all recipients 
If you select any key from the above except 0: 
•  Record and address your message 
•  When finished 
•  Specify delivery options 
•  Send message 
Printing fax/e-mail messages 
•  From the activity menu 
•  Listen to message header 
•  Print fax or e-mail portions 
  [*] [1] 
•  Print to default machine 
•  To print to machine attached  
to your telephone 
[*] [6]   
•  To print to other machine you specify: 
–  Press  
[*] [*] [5] 
–  Enter outside line number (if needed) and  
telephone number 
– Press  
G E N E R A L   T I P S
Not sure which key to press? 
•  Listen to Help at any time 
  [*] [4] 
•  Go back to activity menu 
  [*] [7] 
Want to save time? 
•  Bypass greeting when recording 
•  Bypass header when listening 
Want to adjust the way your messages are played? 
•  Faster [9] 
•  Slower [8] 
•  Louder [4] 
•  Softer [7] 
•  Skip forward 
•  Skip backward 
Other options 
•  Transfer to covering extension 
[*] [0] 
•  Transfer to another mailbox 
[*] [8] 
•  Make system wait 
[*] [9] 
•  Access names or numbers directory  
[*] [*] [6] 
•  Disconnect  
[*] [*] [9]   
C R E A T I N G   M U L T I P L E    
P E R S O N A L   G R E E T I N G S
Listening to your greetings 
•  From the activity menu 
•  Listen to greetings 
•  Enter greeting number 
•  When finished 
Creating or changing greetings 
•  From the activity menu 
•  Record greetings 
•  Enter greeting number 
•  When finished 
Deleting greetings 
•  From the activity menu 
•  Delete greeting 
•  Enter greeting number 
•  When finished 
Changing call types 
•  From the activity menu 
•  Administer call types 
•  Differentiate 
-  Busy/no-answer calls (toggle) 
-  Personal greeting for all calls (toggle) 
•  When finished 
Assigning greetings to call types 
•  From the activity menu 
•  Activate greeting 
•  Enter optional greeting number 
(only if the call type is Busy or No Answer)   [1–2] 
•  Select one of the following: 
-  Use greeting for busy calls 
-  Use greeting for no-answer calls 
•  When finished 
NOTE:  Your system may not support all features. 
NOTE:  This Quick Reference Guide should be printed only 
on 8½ x 14 inch stock. Printing it on stock of other 
sizes (such as 8½ x 11) makes the print too small to 
Copyright © 2004, Avaya, Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks identified by ® 
and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively of Avaya Inc.  
All other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.  
Disclaimer:  Avaya is not responsible for any modifications, additions or 
deletions to the original published version of this documentation unless such 
modifications, additions or deletions were performed by Avaya. Customer and/or 
end user agree to indemnify and hold harmless Avaya, Avaya's agents, servants 
and employees against all claims, lawsuits, demands and judgments arising out 
of, or in connection with, subsequent modifications, additions or deletions to this 
documentation to the extent made by the customer or end user.
Printed in the U.S.A. 
Document number: 11-300045 
Issue 2
AUDIX® Telephone  
User Interface for 
 Avaya™ Modular Messaging 
1 1 - 3 0 0 0 4 5  
I S S U E   2 ,   M A Y   2 0 0 4