Pitney Bowes DP400C Manuale Utente

Pagina di 33
Digital Mailing Systems
SV61156 Rev. F
How USPS  
Services Work
The diagrams on the next two pages show the con   firm    a    tion 
ser vic es process.
You be gin by applying a preprinted barcode label unique to 
the specific service you desire. The barcode in each label 
includes a unique Pack age Iden ti fi ca tion Code (PIC). 
To process a mail piece, select the service and class of 
mail you want, then enter the destination ZIP Code and 
barcode num ber us ing your control panel’s nu mer ic key-
 pad. Your mailing system stores a con fir ma tion data record 
for each piece of mail you pro cess. It also prints the cor rect 
post age on a tape strip or di rect ly on your en ve lope, then 
prompts you for the next barcode.
Your mailing system sends con fir ma tion records to the 
Data Center when you’ve fin ished pro cess ing, or when 
you've pro cessed the max i mum num ber of piec es it can 
store. Your mail ing sys tem also prints a re ceipt for each 
trans ac tion.
You can drop the mail off any where mail is ac cept ed.
Using the Delivery Track ing System on our web site, you 
can verify delivery of individual items at:
See section 7. Tracking Mail on the Internet for more infor-
For complete description of confirmation services, see 
USPS publication 91
 available at:
3. Using Confirmation Services—an Overview
HINT:  When you use 
De liv ery or Signature 
confi rmation services 
with your mailing sys-
tem and send barcodes 
elec tron i cal ly, you get a 
discount on the cost of 
the ser vice.
 The dis-
count ap plies only if 
you use the barcode la-
 bels pro vid ed by Pitney 
Bowes and send the 
records elec tron i cal ly.