Profoto D1 1000 Air ユーザーズマニュアル

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Profoto Air USB – Profoto Studio Air 
Modeling light setting
1.  Use the Model Button [10a] to select the modeling light:
a.  To select proportional modeling light, press and hold down the Model Button [10a] 
until the PROP Indicator [10b] is illuminated.
b.  To select free modeling light, press and hold down the Model Button [10a] until 
the FREE Indicator [10c] is illuminated. The energy level of the latest selected free 
modeling light setting will be activated.
c.  To turn off the modeling light,  press the Model Button [10a].  Both the PROP 
Indicator [10b] and the FREE Indicator [10c] will be turned off. Press the Model 
Button [10a] again to turn on the modeling light.
Change the level of the free modeling light:
1.  Verify that free modeling light setting is selected (the FREE Indicator [10c] shall be 
illuminated when the modeling light is turned on).
2.  Press the Model Set Button [
11]. The Display [1] will start flashing, showing the current 
energy level of the Free modeling light.
3.  While the Display [1] is flashing, use the Setting Knob [7] to change the energ
y level:
a.  Turn the Setting Knob [7] clockwise to increase the energy level in 1/10 f-stop 
increments and counter-clockwise to decrease.
b.  Press and hold down the Setting Knob [7] and turn the knob c
lockwise to increase 
the energy in 1 f-stop increments and counter
-clockwise to decrease.
4.  Wait until the Display [1] stops flashing.
 (The Display [1] will no
w show the energy level 
of the flash light.)
Ready signaling setting
1.  Use the Ready Button [9a] to select the ready signaling:
a.  To select sound signaling, press and hold down the Ready Button [9a] until the 
BEEP Indicator [9b] is illuminated.
b.  To select light signaling, press and hold down the Ready Button [9a] until the DIM 
Indicator [9c] is illuminated.
c.  To select both sound and light signaling,  press and hold do wn the Read y 
Button [9a] until both the BEEP Indica tor [9b] and the DIM Indica tor [9c] are 
d.  To turn off the read y signaling, press the Read y Button [9a]. Both the BEEP 
Indicator [9b] and the DIM Indica
tor [9c] will be turned off.
 Press the Ready Button 
[9a] again to turn on the ready signaling.