Omega OMB-DAQSCAN-2000 Series ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 72
Taking Measurements  
Introduction …… 8-1 
Scanning …… 8-1 
Triggering …… 8-2 
Synchronous I/O Operations…… 8-3  
Asynchronous I/O Operations …… 8-5 
Synchronizing Multiple Units …… 8-
Using DBK Cards and Modules for Signal Conditioning ….. 8-8 
With signal lines connected and a system up and running you can begin acquiring data.  
Specific connector details and pinouts are provided in chapter 4. You should refer to the 
software documentation applicable to your data acquisition system, for example, DaqView
DaqScan/2000 Series devices have an on-board scan sequencer that permits the user to select 
any combination of up to 16384 channel/range combinations. The sequencer scans all 
channels contained in the sequence at the rate of  5 µs/channel, 10 µs/channel, or  
1000 µs/channel, depending on the speed of the DBK expansion options; thereby minimizing 
the time-skew from channel-to-channel. The user can also set the time between scan groups, 
from 0 to 6 hours. In addition to scanning analog inputs, the sequencer can scan digital inputs 
and counter inputs.   
Digital and frequency inputs can be scanned using the same scan sequencer employed for 
analog inputs, enabling the time correlation of acquired digital data to acquired analog data. 
(See Note) 
5µs, 10µs, or 1000µs 
(See Note) 
Scanning Example 
Note:    All inputs can be measured at the 5 µs/channel rate.  Some DBK expansion options require more 
settling time and can be measured at the slower rate of 10 µs/channel or 1000 µs/channel.   All 
types of measurements can be mixed within the scan group. 
DaqScan/2000 Series 
Taking Measurements    8-1