Affirmative 7370 ユーザーガイド

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Hot Spot 
Changes made in this property sheet affect all sessions.  There is only one Hot Spot configuration per 
emulator, not one per session. 
Hot Spot Properties Sheet 
A Hot Spot is an area of the session window on which you can single-click the left mouse button to 
execute a command or function. Actually, a Hot Spot is the result of a text search by the emulator for 
the specified Keyword on the screen.  The Function Key and Numeric fields (from 1 to 99 followed by 
a "period" or "space") Hot Spots are active by default, but you can add other Hot Spot keys and/or 
edit/remove them. 
A Hot Spot can be used to: 
•  Simulate a function key. 
•  Execute a Recorded Sequence that has the same name as the word that you select on the screen. 
•  Execute a command that you select. 
To enable the use of Hot Spots, you must check the Enable Hot Spots box. 
Advanced View (Default) 
Hot Spots are displayed as raised buttons if the Advanced View option is selected in the Attributes tab 
or the emulation screen Toolbars.  Advanced View is the most productive way to operate in YEStablet 
emulation sessions since all menu items, Function Keys, sub-file options, and custom hot spots are 
always visible and accessible as raised buttons.  The use of custom Hot Spot keywords, which can be 
linked to keyboard commands, often eliminates the need to use the virtual keyboard and reduces the 
number of screen taps required to run applications.