RSA Security SID900-6-60-24-2500 プリント

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The RSA SecurID
SID900 is a multi-function device that
combines the industry proven features of the world-leading
RSA SecurID hardware authenticator with a signing function
to strongly protect business transactions. At a time when
organizations are trying to mitigate risks associated with
identity and data security breaches, the SID900 transaction
signing authenticator can help reduce the risks associated
with conducting online business and financial transactions
while not compromising on usability and security. The hand-
held device is an ideal solution for retail and corporate
banking institutions and other organizations that process
transactions where the legitimacy of the end-user’s identity
is critical.
Added Layer of Security
for Business Transactions
Stronger Security when Logging on.
Each RSA SecurID
SID900 authenticator has a unique symmetric key that is
combined with a powerful algorithm to generate a new code
every 60 seconds. Because the number is unpredictable
and dynamic, it would be extremely difficult for a hacker to
guess the correct number at any given time. This ever-
changing code can be used in addition to a password for
added security during the logon process. 
Added Protection for Business Transactions.
Once the end
user has signed on to their bank account, and has conduct-
ed a transaction, e.g. a funds transfer, the bank’s website
generates a confirmation number (also known as a “chal-
lenge”). The end user enters that challenge number into the
SID900 device and it generates a “response” value that dis-
plays on the device LCD. The end user then uses that
response number as their unique digital signature to sup-
port the financial transaction. The application validates the
signature against the transaction data and executes the
At a Glance
Designed to:
— Mitigate risk of unauthorized user access,
— Support compliance efforts by maintaining
auditable records,
— Protect the integrity of online business and
financial transactions,
— Enhance customer trust in online transactions and
— Generate greater revenues by encouraging
end-users to increase volume of online business.
SID900 Transaction Signing Authenticator
Protecting the Integrity of Online Business Transactions
RSA SecurID SID900 Transaction Signing Authenticator.
The PIN pad enables implementation of the digital signing function.