Intel Core Duo T2700 LF80539GF0532MX ユーザーズマニュアル

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Package Mechanical Specifications and Pin Information
Processor Component Keep-Out Zones
The processor may contain components on the substrate that define component keep-
out zone requirements. A thermal and mechanical solution design must not intrude into 
the required keep-out zones. Decoupling capacitors are typically mounted in the keep-
out areas. The location and quantity of the capacitors may change, but will remain 
within the component keep-in. See 
 for keep-out zones.
Package Loading Specifications
Maximum mechanical package loading specifications are given in 
These specifications are static compressive loading in the direction normal to the 
processor. This maximum load limit should not be exceeded during shipping conditions, 
standard use condition, or by thermal solution. In addition, there are additional load 
limitations against transient bend, shock, and tensile loading. These limitations are 
more platform specific, and should be obtained by contacting your field support. 
Moreover, the processor package substrate should not be used as a mechanical 
reference or load-bearing surface for thermal and mechanical solution.
Processor Mass Specifications
The typical mass of the processor is given in 
all the components that are included in the package.