Mentor fastscan and flextest v8.6_4 ユーザーズマニュアル

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FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Set Abort Limit
Command Dictionary
Set Abort Limit
Tools Supported: FastScan and FlexTest
Scope: All modes
For FastScan
SET ABort Limit comb_abort_limit [seq_abort_limit]
For FlexTest
SET ABort Limit [-Backtrack integer] [-Cycle integer] [-Time integer]
Specifies the abort limit for the test pattern generator.
The Set Abort Limit command performs slightly differently depending on
whether you are using FastScan or FlexTest. In either case, you should use this
command when there are some remaining undetected faults and the test coverage
is still too low. By increasing the abort limit, you can allow the tool to detect those
remaining undetected faults and thereby raise the coverage. The following
paragraphs describe how the command operates for each tool.
FastScan Specifics
The Set Abort Limit command specifies, for combinational and/or clock
sequential test generation, the maximum number of attempts the test pattern
generator allows before aborting a fault. If the limit is too low, the test pattern
generator may abort many faults and fault coverage could be too low. However, if
the limit is too high, it may take too much time to finish the test generation of a
circuit. The default combinational abort limit value is 30.
During the test generation process for a given fault, the test pattern generator
attempts combinational or ram sequential test generation first. If this fails to
successfully create a test or prove redundancy, and you specified a non-zero
sequential depth by using the Set Simulation Mode command, the test pattern
generator performs clock sequential test generation. The default abort limit for
clock sequential test generation is the same as that for the combinational test
generation (30).