Mentor fastscan and flextest v8.6_4 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Command Dictionary
Set Atpg Compression
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Set Atpg Compression
Tools Supported: FastScan
Scope: All modes
SET ATpg Compression [OFf | ON] [-Limit number] [-NOVerbose | -Verbose]
[-Abort_limit number] [-CONsecutive_fails number]
[-SEq_merge_limit number]
Specifies for the ATPG to perform dynamic pattern compression.
The Set Atpg Compression command minimizes, during the ATPG run, the
number of required test patterns to achieve the desired test coverage. The test
pattern generator does this by attempting to detect multiple faults with a single test
pattern. This is called dynamic pattern compression and typically results in a
pattern set smaller than one produced by any other method.
An optional literal that specifies for FastScan to not perform ATPG
compression during test pattern generation. This prevents FastScan from using
each test pattern to detect multiple faults. This is the default.
An optional literal that specifies for FastScan to perform ATPG compression
during test pattern generation. This allows FastScan to use each test pattern to
detect multiple faults.
Turning dynamic ATPG pattern compression on with default
settings can result in the ATPG process taking 2-3 times longer
than usual. Thus, you should only use this feature if your original
pattern set is unacceptably large, or when you are running the final
pass to produce actual production vectors. For most efficient
operation, you should use this command in conjunction with the
Set Decision Order command.