Mentor fastscan and flextest v8.6_4 ユーザーズマニュアル

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FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
FlexTest Test Pattern File Format
Test Pattern File Formats
Unknown direction dump character ‘1’ will be used as an input ‘1’ on
an input pin or a measure ‘1’ on an output pin.
All other unknown direction dump characters,
‘?’,’F’,’A’,’a’,’B’,’b’,’C’,’c’, and ‘f’, will be used as an input ‘Z’ on an
input pin and a measure ‘X’ on an output pin.
 An Example of Using VCD Reader
Following is an example of using VCD Reader from FlexTest:
Design netlist in Verilog
 *    DESC: Generated by DFTAdvisor at Tue Mar 11 17:24:02 1997
module test_vcd ( rb , in2 , cnt1 , clk , buf_in , out_ff , out1 , buf_out , ixo );
input   rb , in2 , cnt1 , clk , buf_in ;
output  out_ff , out1 , buf_out ;
inout  ixo ;
wire \N$10 ;
MZTH  \I$1 (.IO ( ixo ), .OUT( out1 ) , .C ( cnt1 ) , .IN ( in2 ));
MD20E  \I$2 (.NQ ( \N$10 ) , .Q ( out_ff ) , .CK ( clk ) , .D ( \N$10 ) , .R( rb ));
MOPH  \I$3 (.OUT ( buf_out ) , .IN ( buf_in ));
Verilog Test Bench which generates LSI extension of VCD file in Verilog-
// Verilog format test patterns produced by FlexTest v8.5_5.6
// Filename       : PAT/pat1_verilog
// Timefile       : DEFAULT
// Scan operation : PARALLEL
// Fault          : STUCK
// Coverage       : 77.27(TC) 73.91(FC)
// Date           : Fri Jun  6 15:01:50 1997